Monday 6 July 2009

Devon Knows...

I have just got back from a most amazing trip to Devon, of course most of the time was work but as the old adage goes "all work and no play..." or as in this case " all work and no local farm made cream teas..."

The company I had gone to visit and work with in Devon is a garden maintenance company called 'Sharp Edge'. They are a small local firm but so very professional with amazing talent and modern ideas I am sure that thay are heading for huge success. I can see them in the future on one of those TV shoes like 'Grand Designs' with the man behind 'Sharp Edge' set to be the Jamie Oliver of the garden world, with his own brand of of garden tools and books!

The work I did with ' Sharp Edge' was marketing based, producing a brand image, which included a new logo as well as business cards, flyers and using their company vehicle to promote the company. During the initial meeting we discussed all the marketing options available, this included of course going through all the new online tools that are available, even offering them a simple website. However as we looked at their target client we came to realise that the online tools were just not relavent to them at the moment, of course as expansion happens there will probably come a time when this will be re-evaluated, but presently whilst they build a local customer base it is just not relavent. Most of the local community cannot even get internet installed where their homes are situated!

Living and working in a modern city like Brighton we had started to take for granted that everyone has access to the same technology that we do, but it is just not true. The work with 'Sharp Edge' has definitely reinstated the importance of tailored marketing, individual to every client that Mind Your Own Business works with rather then a genralised formula we apply to all.

If you would like to work with Mind Your Own Business in producing a marketing plan and tools for your company please log on to

As for the cream teas... well that is between me and Devon!